Monday, 27 May 2013

Saturday, 1st June 2013

The next service at St James' will be held at 10 am on Saturday, 1 June and will be a shared service with Pinewood School.  The Reverend Richard Hancock will be the guest speaker.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

A fond farewell ...

Jean Hayden will be leaving the village on Friday 31 May.  Jean moved here with her husband Ted 55 years ago and has lived at 6 Church Row all this time.  We think Jean was the village's longest resident ..... so who is it now?  Please leave a comment if you know.

Jean, we would like to take this opportunity of thanking you for all that you have done for the village over the years and to wish you every happiness in your new home ..... Church Row will not be the same without you!

News from Pinewood School ...


Pinewood School seek two Higher Level Teaching Assistants to join the Pre-Prep department of our busy and successful school in September 2013.

For more information and an application form please visit the School website
Closing date for applications 10th June 2013.

For further information contact Jo Ranstead
Pinewood School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. All applicants must be willing to undergo child protection screening, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure & Barring Service.

Monday, 20 May 2013

May's 50/50 Winners ....

1st - Number 39 - Carolyn Francis
2nd - Number 7 - the Brown Family
3rd - Number 40 - Carolyn Francis


Thank you from Julie Anger ...

Bourton Parish Boundary Walk
Rogation Sunday 5th May 2013

48 walkers turned up for our ninth walk to beat the bounds of our Parish! Callum Head (aged 9 and the youngest available walker) was traditionally bounced three times at the start on Stepping Stones Bridge.  The weather was perfect for walking which made a welcome change to previous soggy affairs.  Wildlife was in abundance as we walked through beautiful farm land and countryside, usually off limits to public. Thank you to all landowners involved as without their kind permission the day wouldn’t have been possible.

The horn was sounded at all four points of the Parish Boundary. Thanks to David who provided drinks at the half-way point.  It was back to the Village Hall for much needed refreshments. Badges and ribbons were presented to all participants including 21 newbies!

For the technophiles, we were tracked by GPS for the first time.  We walked 9.45 miles in 4hrs 23mins, average speed was 2.1 mph, 976 calories used!!

Thanks to: Farmers and landowners, Bourton Village Hall Committee, Vanessa and David Swann, Marion and Pat for your help in the kitchen, Mark for your hedge cutters! And all those who gave raffle prizes. All contributed to a successful day.
Hope to see you all next year on 25th May 2014,
for our 10th anniversary!

Sunday, 19 May 2013


Wednesday, 22 May 2013
7 pm Village Hall AGM
7.30 pm Parish Council Annual Assembly

Parishioners are warmly invited to the Parish Council Annual Assembly at 7.30 pm on Wednesday, 22 May 2013 in the Village Hall.  This is your opportunity to hear what has been happening in the parish over the last year.

In particular, we would like to update you on Swindon's Local Plan and the likely implications for this village and also the Vale's Local Plan which will have quite an impact on development this end of the Vale.

Our two District Councillors, Elaine Ware and Simon Howell, will be attending as will Yvonne Constance, who has just taken over as our new Oxfordshire County Councillor.

As is the usual custom, the Village Hall AGM will take place just prior to the Annual Assembly.

We look forward to seeing you there.  Tea and biscuits will be provided!

Monday, 13 May 2013

Summer Concert

Sue Hayes Music Tuition


Friday 21st June

Bourton Village Hall


Flute Choir
Wind Ensemble

We will be raising money for

Nordoff Robbins

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Boundary Walk - 2013

Meeting at the Memorial Cross ....

bumping the youngest child at the start ...

blowing the horn at the easterly point ...

much appreciated refreshments at the half way point ...

which way do we go .........

a helping hand ....

there is always one ! ...

and nearly home !

Fabulous weather - dry and sunny - no cows or electric fences this year thank goodness!  Just the usual ditches and brambles but even then someone had brought some hedge cutters along!

We did 9.45 miles in 4 hours 23 mins.  Our average speed was 2.1 mph and - this is the really good bit - we used 976 calories!!!!

A massive thank you to Julie and Stuart Anger for organising another great walk!!!

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A fun way to keep up with Village life!