Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Another new baby girl ...

Many congratulations to Rebecca and Luke on the birth of baby Nyree Taya who arrived on 17th June!  No doubt Sylas and Esme are very excited having a new baby sister!  And congratulations also to the grandparents - Janet and Stan Jones!

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Electrification of Great Western Main Line

Dear Villagers
The proposal to electrify the Great Western Main Line is likely to have quite an effect on Bourton.  There is no necessity to seek planning permission but an Environmental Statement has had to be prepared and lodged with the Vale of White Horse District Council.  This can be viewed on the Vale's website under planning reference P13/V1380/ES.  If you would like me to send you the document, I am very happy to do so.
The railway bridge by the Fat Dog is being demolished and reconstructed from January 2014 for 4 months.  During this time the traffic will be re-routed via Bourton.
The Grade II listed railway bridge on the bridleway past John Bean's house towards the canal is being retained and the track lowered under the bridge and 150m on either side.  The proposal is to carry out this work on 25 and 26 December 2013.
Unfortunately the Grade II listed railway bridge by Grange Farm is recommended to be demolished and reconstructed (although the Vale's Conservation Officer and English Heritage are being consulted).  This work is due to take place in August 2014 and will last for 4 months.  Traffic will be diverted via the railway bridge at the Fat Dog.
The Parish Council has written to the Vale's Conservation Officer to see if a case can be made for lowering the track at this location rather than demolishing the bridge.  We will keep the village updated as we hear any further news.
Maggie Brown
Clerk to Bourton Parish Council

Monday, 5 August 2013

Bottle donation ....

St Andrews bottle stall at the Shrivenham Village Fete  – Saturday 24th August.   This is a vital annual fundraiser for the parish of Shrivenham with Watchfield & Bourton
Please start looking out for bottles to contribute –
Shampoo to Champagne …all bottles are MOST welcome!

Dennis Offer, The Manse, Bourton. Items can be left on our doorstep. Many thanks.

Saturday, 3 August 2013



1st - Number 25 - Chris Field
2nd - Number 81 - Francesca Hoyland
3rd - Number 37 - Alan Thomas


1st - Number 27 - Paul Beech
2nd - Number 56 - Tess Hamlin
3rd - Number 67 - Penny Wallace

CONGRATULATIONS - your cheques are on the way!