So some stats for you - 53 bounders walked 9. 5 miles, which is roughly, 22,000 steps in approx 4 hours. Ages ranged from 22 months to 66 years!
Well done to the red team for raising funds for the British Heart Foundation in Gordon Hatherall's memory. They received a generous £65.05 in the donation bucket which has brought the total so far to £345.60!
We had our first birthday celebration - India Heptinstall Baker was 5 years old on Sunday and is a local girl from Cleyfields - Happy Birthday India!
As always a big thank you to Marion, Pat and everyone who helped in the Village Hall to provide much appreciated refreshments. And, of course, thank you to all the farmers and land owners for letting us walk across their land.
And finally a massive "THANK YOU" to Julie and Stuart Anger for another successful Boundary Walk!
PS: Date for your diary - all being well our 14th Bourton Parish Boundary Walk will be on Sunday, 6th May 2018!