Monday, 22 May 2017

Certainly not unlucky ...

for our 13th Boundary Walk yesterday!  The weather couldn't have been better for walking and the ground was surprisingly firm under foot!  Even the areas that are normally wet were not too bad this year!  We did have to negotiate the usual ditches and fences and the grass and crops were certainly tall.  However, it meant that we did encounter some great wildlife - plenty of deer, woodpeckers and we heard a cuckoo! We had fun again with the young cows and we were careful this year going around the sheep to ensure no lambs got separated from their mums.  The only really tricky bit came at the end along the canal - so a big thank you to Philip Mayes and Paul Callaghan who beat down the nettles and brambles for us 53 walkers to get safely home!

So some stats for you - 53 bounders walked 9. 5 miles, which is roughly, 22,000 steps in approx 4 hours.  Ages ranged from 22 months to 66 years!

Well done to the red team for raising funds for the British Heart Foundation in Gordon Hatherall's memory. They received a generous £65.05 in the donation bucket which has brought the total so far to £345.60!

We had our first birthday celebration - India Heptinstall Baker was 5 years old on Sunday and is a local girl from Cleyfields - Happy Birthday India!

As always a big thank you to Marion, Pat and everyone who helped in the Village Hall to provide much appreciated refreshments.  And, of course, thank you to all the farmers and land owners for letting us walk across their land.

And finally a massive "THANK YOU" to Julie and Stuart Anger for another successful Boundary Walk!

PS:  Date for your diary - all being well our 14th Bourton Parish Boundary Walk will be on Sunday, 6th May 2018!

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Big thank you ...

to the small merry band of helpers at the Church on Saturday!  Especially the younger ones - Harriet, Bea and Jack!  The Church is looking good!

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Unlucky for some ...

but hopefully not for the 13th Boundary Walk on Sunday, 21 May ...

Bourton Parish Boundary Walk
Rogation Sunday 21st May 2017
Meet at 08.45 am for a 9.00 am start
at the Memorial Cross/Tree
(Walk approx 9 miles)

The walk will take place whatever the weather and will be tough walking –
not on public footpaths! Thanks to the kind permission of many landowners, we have a unique opportunity to walk previously un-admitted land around our parish boundary.
After the walk presentations, light refreshments, raffle and bar will be held in the Village Hall.

Anyone interested in this, our 13th, walk to beat the bounds of our parish,
 please contact Julie Anger on 784023.

PS:  Raffle prize donations appreciated!

Friday, 5 May 2017

50/50 May 2017

Congratulations to May's winners.

31      Harrison Baker
20      Kate King
71      Rebecca French

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Church Spring Clean ...

please come along and help with the annual Spring Clean of Bourton Church on Saturday, 13th May at 10 am to 12 noon.  Many hands make light work!

Lots of jobs - inside and out - so bring along gardening equipment and dusters and brooms!

Refreshments provided!

PS:  Saturday, 6th May at 10 am - Joint Service with Pinewood School!